Study structure

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How is the study program structured?

The Master's program in Psychology according to the Examination Regulations (PO) 2020 has a modularized structure and consists of 12 modules.

It is a research-oriented course of study which combines content from specific aspects of the classic basic and applied subjects of psychology. In contrast to the Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy course of study, the Master's degree in Psychology is not primarily aimed at students who wish to pursue the professional field of psychotherapy. Rather, it enables the acquisition of current knowledge from a wide range of psychological sub-disciplines and qualifies especially beyond psychotherapy for activities in various professional fields of psycholog:in. An eight-week professional internship is intended to deepen the knowledge in practical application.

Study plan

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A degree program consists of modules that are defined in the examination regulations and described in more detail in the module handbook. In terms of content and time, it makes sense to study these modules in a certain order. For each degree program, there is a sample study plan that shows you an ideal typical course. If you study in this way, you will be able to complete your studies in the standard period of study. This is not always possible, so there may be individual deviations from the suggested sequence. When planning, you should bear in mind that not every module is offered in the winter and summer semesters and that some modules necessarily build on each other or have other participation requirements. The student advisor will support you in the individual organization of your studies.

Each of the modules is associated with a certain workload. 1 credit point corresponds to a workloadof approx. 30 hours. The entire Master's program comprises 120 credit points (ECTS).
Active participation in the courses as (ungraded) study performance is just as relevant for passing the module as the (graded) examination performance. Ungraded course achievements are e.g.: Preparation of protocols, presentations, posters, seminar designs. Examination performances are usually taken in the form of written examinations, term papers or oral examinations.


The individual modules according to PO2020 at a glance

The Master's program in Psychology is divided into compulsory modules and compulsory elective modules and also includes a practical module (internship) and the Master's final module (Master's thesis). The five compulsory modules are briefly described below. This is followed by the compulsory elective modules.

Module 1 Research Methods (10 ECTS)

This module includes a lecture (Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis) with a corresponding tutorial, where multivariate methods are studied in depth. In addition, a seminar (Evaluation and Intervention Research) is part of the course offering. Overall, students learn how to form, collect, evaluate, interpret and summarize certain questions appropriately. 

Module 2 Psychological Diagnostics (10 ECTS)

This module consists of a lecture (Psychological Diagnostics) and an accompanying seminar (Advanced Seminar in Diagnostics). Here the handling of psychodiagnostic procedures is deepened, concerning the systematic development, evaluation and applicability. In addition, the students learn in another seminar (preparation of expert reports) to prepare expert reports according to current scientific standards. 

Module 3 Clinical Psychology (5 ECTS)

This module comprises two lectures (Clinical Psychology I & Clinical Psychology II). Here, mental disorder patterns and psychological aspects of physical illnesses are taught from causes, to differences, to diagnostics and treatment based on important research findings.  

Module 4 Science Communication (5 ECTS)

This module consists of a seminar (science communication), participation in 9 research colloquia and an ungraded examination, which is completed in the form of a scientific presentation. Through the examination of various forms of science communication, students learn to use and present research results appropriately to convey information. 

You can find more details about the course offerings and dial-in here: 

Module 5 Supplementary subject (8 ECTS).

Students can take this module in one of the following areas: Sociology, Political Science, Philosophy, Biology, Economics, Art Science, Cognitive Science Linguistics, Sports Science. In doing so, you will learn to reflect on and use interdisciplinary models, methods, and processes to gain knowledge.

You can find more details about the course offerings and dial-in here: 

You can choose four out of five compulsory elective modules to focus your course of study (a total of 40 ECTS is required). Each compulsory elective module consists of one examination performance and two study performances. Registration for the examination performance is considered a binding choice of focus, which cannot be revised!

Module 6 Advanced Research Methods and Statistical Computing (10 ECTS)

Students learn to select, apply, and evaluate appropriate multivariate procedures according to current statistical methods, and to interpret and document the results accordingly, as well as to present them.

Lecture: Research Methods and Statistical Modeling

Seminar I: Advanced data analysis

Seminar II: Advanced Statistical Modeling

Cognition, Education and Development (10 ECTS)

In the three areas (KBE) students learn to work on topics independently theoretically, empirically or application-oriented , to conduct empirical studies, as well as hypothesis-generating practice surveys and to evaluate them methodologically, as well as to develop, design and evaluate psychological training and teaching materials. 

Lecture: Cognition, Education and Development

Seminar I: Advanced Seminar Cognition, Education and Development (I) - freely selectable from one of the three thematic areas.

Seminar II: Advanced Seminar on Cognition, Education and Development (II) - freely selectable from one of the three thematic areas.

Module 8 Legal Psychology (10 ECTS)

On the basis of legal psychology assessment areas, students learn to examine corresponding questions according to methodological standards and furthermore to critically discuss models and current research findings on phenomena relevant to legal psychology and to apply them to practice.

Lecture: Introduction to Legal Psychology

Seminar I: Legal Psychological Assessment

Seminar II: Current research on psychological foundations of legal psychology

Module 9 Man, Work, Technology (10 ECTS)

Students can acquire in-depth knowledge in work, organizational or business psychology, applied social psychology, or in the field of human-machine systems engineering and can apply this knowledge to develop, test and communicate psychologically based concepts and, if necessary, to conceive and design human-machine systems.

Performance in the amount of 6 SWS, selectable, from courses of the subject areas/sub-areas Business Psychology and Social Psychology or Human-Machine-Systems Engineering or Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

!Note: Courses from Business Psychology and Social Psychology can be mixed. However, if you want to choose something from Human-Machine Systems Engineering or Industrial and Organizational Psychology, you can only take your courses within one of the two sub-majors and cannot combine them with any other subject area. In total, with any choice you have to take two study achievements and one examination achievement depending on the courses offered, you are free to choose freely between lectures and seminars depending on the course offerings.

Module 10 Environmental Psychology (10 ECTS)

Students acquire in-depth knowledge of the theoretical concepts, research and intervention methods, and results of environmental psychology and learn to embed and apply them in the problem-oriented context of behavior modification.

Lecture: Environmental Psychology Masters

Seminar I: Advanced Seminar in Environmental Psychology I

Seminar II: Advanced Seminar Environmental Psychology II

Click here for a detailed description (module manual)