Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability (Bachelor)
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Combine chemistry and mathematics for a more sustainable future: the degree program at the University of Kassel prepares you to combine scientific and mathematical methods to solve ecological, technological and social challenges. You will learn practical skills such as how to use innovative approaches to design sustainable material cycles and develop modern technologies.
At a glance
About the degree program
In the Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability degree program at the University of Kassel, you will combine scientific and mathematical approaches to develop more sustainable solutions for technological and ecological issues. To do this, you will learn fundamental principles of chemistry and mathematics as well as methods for mathematizing chemical processes.
You can apply and deepen your knowledge in projects, for example in the fields of synthetic chemistry, computational chemistry, applied analysis and mathematical simulation. The combination of disciplines enables you to precisely model chemical contexts and then work on innovative solutions for sustainable development using mathematical methods.
In the integrated sustainability studies, you can supplement your personal focus and thus gain insights into areas of application, for example, or acquire further skills for the development and implementation of more sustainable concepts.
Lectures, exercises and tutorials, supplemented by laboratory practicals, are part of everyday study life.
The combination of the two subjects of chemistry and mathematics offers great potential and is rarely combined in this form in a single degree course. Complemented by the integrated sustainability studies, which are only offered at the University of Kassel, this degree program is unique in Germany.
Our lecturers will support you individually and enable you to work on current projects: For example, you will develop modeling for more sustainable synthesis pathways or carry out impact simulations of chemical substances.
Small learning groups and individual support create a personal learning atmosphere and help you to find and develop your own personal profile.
With a degree in Chemistry and Mathematics for Sustainability, you will have a wide range of exciting career opportunities that require interdisciplinary knowledge and a focus on sustainability: You will be excellently qualified for jobs in the chemical industry, in areas such as materials development, process optimization or environmental engineering.
The combination of chemistry and mathematics together with your personal focus in the field of integrated sustainability studies makes you a sought-after specialist. After graduating, you will take on an active role in the private sector, the public sector or NGOs, for example as a sustainability officer, consultant or climate protection manager.
However, your profile is also suitable for interdisciplinary tasks in research, for example in materials science, chemical engineering or the circular economy, and is an excellent basis for an academic career. For example, in the field of modeling molecular systems, our constantly updated and further developed Master's degree programs will offer you an individually tailored connection in the future.
Practice-oriented learning is a core component of your studies. In laboratory practicals on the fundamentals of chemistry - such as general, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry - you can directly combine theory and practice.
Seminars and projects in the mathematical part of your studies also offer practical applications, for example through modeling and computer-aided approaches. At the interface between the two subjects, you can focus on green synthesis or machine learning, for example. You can also gain in-depth practical experience as part of the integrated sustainability studies project modules.
A semester abroad at one of our international partner universities is also possible and is supported by programs such as Erasmus and the Faculty.
Your degree course has a modular structure and initially teaches you the basics of chemistry, mathematics and sustainability studies.
The basic chemistry lectures are supplemented by laboratory practicals, while the basic mathematics course is supported by many exercises and a programming course.
You can specialize later on in your studies: For example, choose between specializations in photochemistry, biopolymers, machine learning, stochastic or numerical modelling. This is complemented by the opportunity to set individual specializations as part of the integrated sustainability studies - for example in water and resource management, sustainable management or AI and data science.
The close integration of the various disciplines as well as theory and practice prepares you optimally for the challenges of sustainable development.
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