Audits and networks
EXIST University of Founders
The University of Kassel has been a "Gründerhochschule" since the beginning of 2013. This distinction was awarded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the EXIST funding competition. This identifies and financially supports universities that attach importance to a distinctive academic start-up culture.
Audit "Internationalization of universities
The audit "Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions" supports German universities in strategically aligning their internationalization and permanently anchoring it within the institution.
Diversity audit
The Stifterverband's "Shaping Diversity" audit aims to encourage higher education institutions to take on the associated challenges and to help develop and implement diversity strategies.
Cosmopolitan university
The universities united in the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) are taking nationwide action against xenophobia and nationalism and are aggressively advocating open-mindedness and cosmopolitanism. The University of Kassel is committed to this stance with the slogan "Weltoffene Hochschulen - Gegen Fremdenfeindlichkeit" (Universities open to the world - against xenophobia).
Family in the university
The University of Kassel is one of the signatories of the charter "Family in Higher Education" and has committed itself to support all members of the university with family responsibilities and to establish a family-friendly management culture.