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11/30/2021 | Campus-Meldung

Kassel initiative to communicate science receives award

2020 Founded, CoLab makes science accessible to all. Now the initiative has received an award from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog (WiD). The award ceremony took place on 29.11.21 in Berlin.

The CoLab team, represented by Özge Efendi and Tobias Hofmann, won in the BMBF's university competition and was thus among the 15 best projects at German universities. Furthermore, CoLab was awarded as one of three projects for their implementation.  The award ceremony took place online. Research Minister Anja Karliczek presented the certificates digitally.

The community lab "CoLab

CoLab is an association founded by Özge Efendi and Tobias Hofmann. The goal is to provide access to science topics to everyone, even beyond Kassel. Experimental days, workshops and many other events are offered. There is also a newsblog with information and the Scivival kits, with which experiments can be carried out independently at home. The basis is an open laboratory, which is currently being built in the Nachrichtenmeisterei at the main train station in Kassel. "Research must be open and transparent. This works best when everyone can join in the research and do their own experiments to understand what is happening in research," Efendi and Hofmann explain

Since 2000, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and Wissenschaft im Dialog have jointly proclaimed a Science Year. As a central instrument of science communication, they bring research to the public and support the dialog between research and society.

More information on the current Science Year at
More information on CoLab:

Tobias Hofmann
CoLab - Das Community Labor e.V.
2nd Chairman
Phone: 0561 43 07 47 55
E-mail: tobias[at]colab-germany[dot]de

Dr. Andreas Gebhardt
University of Kassel
Communication, Press and Public Relations
Phone: 0561 804-1961
E-Mail: Presse[at]Uni-Kassel[dot]de