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03/09/2022 | Campus-Meldung

March 14 and 15: Kassel in dialogue about the future

Following the launch of the Future Dialogues on March 1, the University of Kassel, the Staatstheater Kassel and Scientists for Future Kassel once again invite all citizens to a dialog between science, art and society. This time, the topics are living together (March 14, 2022) and technology (March 15, 2022).

Image: Lucas Melzer.
Impression from the first dialogue on the future of business.

In keeping with the Ask a Question Day on Albert Einstein's birthday (March 14), citizens' questions are at the center of the Future Dialogues. In addition to scientists, artists and, above all, interested citizens are invited to contribute their views. The questions and suggestions collected will be incorporated at the local level into the programming during the Documenta summer, where not only will further interaction formats follow, but artistic processing of the impulses will also take place as part of the Temple project at the Staatstheater. But the collected questions will also have an influence beyond the borders of Kassel as our city's contribution to the Ideas Run of the Science Year 2022.

Monday, March 14 (Ask-a-Question Day), Dialog 2:  Future of Living Together, 6 p.m., Theater im Fridericianum

Collectively or alone, in the big city or in the countryside, digital nomad or self-sufficient with a regional focus: the question of living together does not only arise on a social level in terms of inclusion, neighborhood or refugee flows. The coexistence between humans and nature also determines our future in view of the climate crisis and raises many fears and questions. Who or what surrounds us? How do we deal with each other? What kind of environment do we want and what kind of relationships do we need for a just coexistence?

The interactive format opens the space for questions, insights and emotions. The moderators Dr. Ljubinka Petrovic-Ziemer (gewaltfrei handeln e.V.) and Bastian Bender welcome among others Dr. Johanna Leinius from the University of Kassel, the director of the Temple project Thorleifur Örn Arnasson, Maike Bruse from Essbare Stadt Kassel e.V and Leila Mohtadi   from ALL IN - Migrant Self-Organization Project.

Tuesday, March 15, Dialogue 3: The Future of Technology, 6 p.m.,  Opera Foyer of the State Theater.

Is technology the answer to all our questions or the cause of many problems? From material sciences and machines to artificial intelligence - technology is characterized by rapid development, which we encounter in all areas of life. Whether ultra-light and water-repellent sportswear, mobile working during the Corona pandemic or wind power. Many successful approaches to solving problems are based on new technologies. But these solutions often also produce new problems, such as microplastics in the oceans, stress symptoms caused by communication overload or, as currently visible, economic dependencies due to internationally interconnected high-tech supply chains and energy networks.

What can technology actually do? How can it support us and when do technologies confront us with social or even geopolitical problems? These and other questions are addressed by sociologist Prof. Dr. phil. Jörn Lamla and Jan-Philipp Stroscher from the LOEWE center emergenCITY.

Interested parties can register at to register for the two events!

The project is funded within the framework of the Science Year 2022 - In Demand! funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.