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02/08/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Pupils can experience mathematics on February 16

From ophthalmology to computer game design: math is everywhere in everyday life. On Friday, February 16, 2024, the Institute of Mathematics is once again organizing a "Day of Mathematics" to demonstrate this. The event is primarily aimed at upper secondary school students from grammar schools in the region with their teachers, but is open to anyone interested in mathematics. The "Matheforscher:innentag" is also held on the same day with over a hundred primary school pupils invited.

Image: University of Kassel.
The Day of Mathematics is taking place for the 16th time this year. Here is an impression of the last edition.

From 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., primary school pupils will not only have the opportunity to get to know the university at the Maths Researchers' Day. The focus is on various learning opportunities that encourage the exploration of patterns and structures in arithmetic tasks. These learning opportunities were developed by primary school teaching students who accompany the pupils in their research. The aim is to encourage independent exploration of exciting mathematical questions and an exchange of ideas about the discoveries.

The Day of Mathematics will once again feature a varied program of lectures on mathematics and its applications in a wide variety of fields. Lecturers from the Institute of Mathematics will explain how mathematical models and algorithms support modern therapies in ophthalmology, how secret messages can be transmitted, how computers calculate with formulas, how MP3 music files work and how infinities can be compared. You can also gain an insight into mathematics in computer game design. There is also lots of information about studying mathematics in Kassel. In the afternoon, you can experiment with simulations of medical applications in the math lab, calculate with colors and try out which works of art can be created using equations.

The 16th Day of Mathematics will take place on February 16 from 9:40 to 15:45 at the Institute of Mathematics in the AVZ at Heinrich-Plett-Straße 40 (Oberzwehren). Further information and the complete program can be found on the Internet at The visit is free of charge, but registration is requested via the form on the website (class-by-class registration is possible).