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08/21/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Finance Minister Lorz informs about cooperation with the University of Kassel

Panama Papers, Paradise Papers and Pandora Papers - three prominent examples of major leaks whose data was and is being analyzed at the Kassel tax office. The university is supporting the Hessian tax authorities in building up the necessary expertise and the AI research center in Kassel.

Image: University of Kassel.
Minister Alexander Lorz (from left), University President Ute Clement and the Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, Dirk Dahlhaus, spoke about the cooperation at a press conference in the Finance Office. On the far right is Jeanette Maria Glock, deputy press officer of the Ministry of Finance.

Since 2019, the tax authorities and the University of Kassel have been offering a computer science degree course in practical training. This ensures highly qualified young talent to combat tax fraud with AI. The first graduates will be taken on by the tax office at Altmarkt this year. In addition, the Hessian tax authorities have been co-financing a professorship in information security in Faculty 16 since 2021.

The new Hessian Minister of Finance, Prof. Dr. R. Alexander Lorz, was very impressed by this cooperation. Today (August 21) in Kassel, he provided information about the activities of the office, which has taken over the machine analysis of mass data on tax fraud within Hesse, among other things. "Artificial intelligence: a few decades ago, the term sounded like something out of a future novel. Today, AI is a tangible reality in the Hessian tax administration," said Lorz.

Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, President of the University of Kassel, commented: "We are delighted to be able to help the tax authorities of the state of Hesse with our expertise - especially when it comes to the prosecution and prevention of large-scale tax fraud. As a state-funded institution, we have a fundamental interest in ensuring that the state does not lose any revenue. The University of Kassel offers computer science courses at the highest level and has expanded its range of subjects for all students through the professorship for information security, which is co-financed by the Hessian tax administration, which benefits the Faculty of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science as a whole. We generally find the students from the tax administration to be very motivated."