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09/13/2024 | Campus-Meldung

The university mourns the loss of Rainer Ludewig

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Rainer Ludewig, honorary citizen of the University of Kassel, has died. He rendered outstanding services to the establishment of the Grimm Endowed Professorship.

Picture by Rainer LudewigImage: University of Kassel.
Rainer Ludewig †

In 2011, the then President Rolf-Dieter Postlep made him an honorary citizen of the University of Kassel in recognition of Ludewig's commitment to the establishment of the endowed professorship on the work and impact of the Brothers Grimm, which was filled by Holger Ehrhardt. The professorship has had an uninterrupted national and international impact since its inception.

Ludewig, owner of a firm of chartered accountants, was active in many ways in his home town of Kassel and far beyond. He was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit with Ribbon in 1994 and the Federal Cross of Merit First Class in 2001. The University has lost a committed friend in him. Ludewig was 98 years old.