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09/18/2024 | Campus-Meldung

Agroforestry Congress at the University of Kassel

How can more woody plants be brought into the landscape, used productively and marketed? At the Agroforestry Congress from October 1 to 2, 2024 at the University of Kassel, experts and all interested parties from agriculture, nature conservation, science and politics will address this question. Participation is possible both in person and online.

Image: Michael Grolm, fruit tree pruning school.

The nationwide congress brings together very different people in Kassel: Farmers, nature conservationists, orchardists, forest gardeners and agroforesters, people from public administration, agricultural advisors and researchers. In addition to specialist presentations and workshops, excursions to innovative projects in northern Hesse will offer insights into the successful practice of agroforestry systems. A special highlight: A catering service with regional and seasonal products from agroforestry systems makes the diversity and quality of this cultivation method tangible. The top-class speakers include Prof. Dr. Harald Grethe (Head of Agora Agrar & Humboldt University Berlin), Luisa Neubauer (Fridays for Future) and Matthias Stührwoldt (dairy farmer and author).

The congress will provide a practical demonstration of how agroforestry systems can help farmers adapt to the climate crisis and increasing weather extremes. In workshops, participants will learn which agroforestry system and which pruning technique is best suited to different sub-crops and locations. They will discuss how traditional systems such as hedges and orchards can be combined with modern approaches such as keyline design, syntropic agroforestry systems or forest gardens. Practical examples will illustrate how local marketing strategies can be successfully implemented. At the same time, the challenges that exist and where further research is needed will be openly reflected upon. At the end of the congress, the participants will jointly formulate political demands to create the necessary framework conditions and funding so that agroforestry systems can be established across the board.

The congress is organized by the Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft (AbL), the young AbL, the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW), the Department of Organic Agricultural Sciences at the University of Kassel and the BaumLand campaign. The events will take place in the Campus Center of the University of Kassel at Holländischer Platz. Interested parties can register to take part in person or online.

Location: Campus Center, Moritzstraße 18, Kassel


Congress program:

Leon Schleep
Förderverein Arbeitsgemeinschaft bäuerliche Landwirtschaft e.V.