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10/23/2024 | Pressemitteilung

Conference of Hessian University Presidents: Ute Clement hands over chairmanship

New chair for the Conference of Hessian University Presidents (KHU): Prof. Dr. Thomas Nauss, President of Philipps University Marburg, took over the role of spokesperson for the KHU on October 1. He succeeds Prof. Dr. Ute Clement, President of the University of Kassel, who previously held this position.

Image: Sonja Rode.
Prof. Dr. Ute Clement has relinquished the role of KHU spokesperson.

The change took place as scheduled after two years and in the midst of negotiations on the new Higher Education Pact 2026 - 2030, i.e. the financial resources for universities in Hesse. The difficult economic situation with falling tax revenues in Hesse makes for very challenging conditions. It is advantageous that the universities presented a united front at the start of the negotiations: Ute Clement not only achieved a joint position for the universities and universities of applied sciences, but was also able to convince the art colleges and Hochschule Geisenheim University to support this. "At the heart of the common guidelines of all Hessian universities is the demand for an adequate base budget for the universities that takes into account future inflationary cost increases, is independent of short-term fluctuations in student numbers and integrates previous short-term program funding," says Ute Clement. The universities also emphasize the need for adequate funding for the additional permanent positions anchored in the Hessian collective agreement.

Even at the beginning of her speakership, the consequences of the Russian attack on Ukraine and the associated energy crisis required close coordination between the universities and between the universities and the state. Ultimately, the state government supported the universities with a great deal of flexibility to get through that winter reasonably well. Close communication between the Presidential Boards also proved helpful in dealing with the tense atmosphere caused by the conflict in the Middle East. "Universities must remain spaces where controversial discussions are possible, but where hatred and agitation are not tolerated," Ute Clement recalled around a year after the Hamas attack on Israel.

Clement considers the formulation of joint guidelines for the promotion of Hesse as a science location before the state elections in 2023 to be a success. The universities positioned themselves jointly as KHU with HAW Hessen for the coalition negotiations, and they specified conditions for sustainable teaching, innovative research and successful transfer in order to promote Hesse as a science location. The coordination initiated by the KHU spokesperson, supported by intensive and trusting cooperation between the Hessian universities, had an effect: central topics from the joint paper were taken up in the coalition agreement. Clement emphasized: "The major challenges facing society today can only be overcome through innovation, strong research and academic education. At the same time, universities are coming under severe pressure from inflation, energy costs and a shortage of skilled workers. More than ever, universities are dependent on strong, reliable funding as the basis for fulfilling their educational, research and transfer mandate."

As the new KHU spokesperson, Thomas Nauss expressly thanks the previous spokesperson: "Ute Clement succeeded in moderating the coordination processes within the universities, but also between KHU and the other Hessian universities, under very difficult initial conditions. She has made the interests of the universities visible with great personal commitment, the necessary political intuition and foresight and represented them to politicians and stakeholders." With a view to the coming term of office, Nauss emphasizes: "These are challenging times. All the more reason why the ongoing negotiations on a Higher Education Pact 2026 to 2030 must ensure the competitiveness of Hessian universities in a national and international context. Universities are central places in the scientific landscape. Education and innovation are the resources for Hesse's future."

The five universities in the state of Hesse have joined forces in the Hessian University Presidents' Conference (KHU). The Presidential Boards of Technische Universität Darmstadt, Goethe University Frankfurt, Justus Liebig University Giessen, the University of Kassel and Philipps University Marburg meet at regular intervals. The universities organized in the KHU jointly comment on current developments in higher education policy, particularly in the state of Hesse, but also on educational and research policy challenges at national and European level. The aim is to secure and expand the competitiveness of the five Hessian universities.


Press contact:

Sebastian Mense
University of Kassel
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Phone: +49 561 804-1961
E-mail: presse[at]uni-kassel[dot]de