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11/01/2018 | Berichte aus den Bereichen

Information and discussion forum on student marketing at the Department of Economics at the University of Kassel

As part of a marketing project seminar in the master's program "Business Studies", the structured development of an integrated student marketing concept for the Department of Business and Economics took place under the direction of Prof. Dr. Andreas Mann (Department of Marketing) in the summer semester of 2018. The development was based on various primary empirical analyses and the concept was tailored to the various target groups of the department.

The results of the project seminar were presented to representatives of the university's own and other departments, the presidium, and the university administration on September 25, 2018, as part of an information and discussion forum.

Particularly in the second part of the event, the organization of "bar camps" led to a lively exchange between the students and the participants, so that the presented action strategies and measures could be critically scrutinized and ultimately worked together on the optimization of procedures. The School of Business and Economics is using the results of the event to further intensify its activities in public relations and alumni relations and to meet the current challenges.

According to forecasts by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs, the number of first-year students in Germany will decline in the coming years. Universities will then enter an increasingly fierce competition for capable students. The University of Kassel and its departments are thus also faced with the challenge of establishing a good competitive position at an early stage. This includes, for example, raising the profile of degree programs, using the influence of students as influencers for applicants, and retaining graduates after their active study period.