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06/22/2023 | Pressemitteilung

Equality: University of Kassel once again successful in the university ranking

The University of Kassel is once again well ahead of the rest of Germany in terms of gender equality. This is the result of the CEWS university ranking according to gender equality aspects 2023.

The photo shows the professor with students in the seminar room
Professor with students in the seminar room (Photo: Uni Kassel)

The University of Kassel is in the top group four times and in the middle group twice; overall, only three universities in Germany were better in the ranking. The ranking does not show individual rankings in the evaluation, but instead forms three ranking groups: top group, middle group and bottom group.

The ranking uses quantitative indicators to visualize developments at universities in the area of gender equality and looks not only at the current situation, but also at changes over time in the areas of academic staff and professorships. The University of Kassel has improved over time in the area of professorships: the proportion of women in professorships has increased from 28.3 percent in 2016 to 33.8 percent in 2021. In addition to this increase, the University of Kassel performed particularly well in the areas of post-doctoral academic qualifications, professorships and the increase in the proportion of women among full-time academic and artistic staff compared to 2016 . "Successful participation in the Women Professors Program and a targeted appointment policy have contributed to this positive development," explains Women's and Equality Officer Dr. Sylke Ernst.

The Competence Center Women in Science and Research (CEWS), part of the GESIS-Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, compiles the university ranking every two years according to gender equality aspects. The ranking has established itself as an important component of quality assurance for equality at universities and higher education institutions. This year's ranking is based on data for 2021 and includes data from 264 universities. Due to the current data situation - the data is consistently taken from the Federal Statistical Office's higher education statistics - the ranking is based on a binary gender model.


Further information

The University of Kassel is in the top group for the following indicators:

  • Academic qualification after doctorate: indicates the proportion of women in habilitations and junior professorships in relation to the proportion of women in doctorates.
  • Professorships: indicates the proportion of women in professorships (excluding junior professorships) in relation to the proportion of women in doctorates
  • Development of the proportion of women in academic and artistic staff below the lifetime professorship from 2016 to 2021 (universities only)
  • Proportion of women in professorships 2016 to 2021 (universities): indicates the difference between the proportion of women in 2016 and the proportion of women in 2021, i.e. changes over the course of five years.

The University of Kassel is in the middle group for the following indicators

  • Doctorates: indicates the proportion of female doctorates in relation to the proportion of female students
  • Full-time academic and artistic staff below the lifetime professorship:
    indicates the proportion of women in the staff groups "lecturers and assistants", "research assistants" and "teaching staff for special tasks" as well as junior professorships in relation to the proportion of female students

Publication: Löther, A. (2023). University ranking according to gender equality aspects 2023. (cews.publik, 28). Cologne: GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences


Dr. Sylke Ernst
Head of the Equality Office
Tel.: 0561 804-2268
Email: gleichstellung[at]uni-kassel[dot]de