Offers for students

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Counseling centers at the University of Kassel

The University of Kassel is home to a wide range of counseling services from very different contact points to provide comprehensive support to students who have doubts about their studies or are thinking about dropping out. They offer competent advice and discussion of experienced challenges, provide suggestions for implementing changes, and help in identifying perspective opportunities - in the further course of studies or, if necessary, also outside the university.

If students have doubts about their studies, the advisors of the General Student Advisory Service offer confidential talks. In addition, a speed dating event for students with doubts about their studies is regularly organized in cooperation with companies, thus explicitly addressing the topics of doubts about studies and dropping out.

Further information on the services offered by the Student Advisory Service


University of Kassel
General Student Counseling
Campus Center, Level 3
Moritzstraße 18, 34127 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-2205
Phone Counseling:(+49) 0561 804-7206
E-Mail: studieren[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

The interdisciplinary teacher training program differs in many ways from other programs that can be studied at the University of Kassel and end with a Bachelor's and Master's degree. The Center for Teacher Education (ZLB) therefore offers a separate study advising service for student teachers.

Detailed information on the website of the Center for Teacher Education


University of Kassel
Center for Teacher Education
Nora-Platiel-Str. 1, Room 0207
34109 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-3401

Since there are many different reasons for doubts about studying, students who experience challenges and difficulties in their studies can also seek advice from the respective Stu­di­en­fach­be­ra­tungen.

The Career Service of the University of Kassel is well networked with regard to the topic of study doubts and offers help for all students who have doubts about their studies in open office hours and individual consultations by telephone or Skype.

Further information on the Career Service page
Study doubts - more information


University of Kassel
UniKasselTransfer Career Service
Universitätsplatz 12
34109 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-2472
E-mail: career[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

The Psychological Counseling Center (PBS) of the Studierendenwerk is an offer for all students of the University of Kassel. In counseling sessions (German/English/French), students who have doubts about their studies are supported in overcoming possible crises.

Further information can be found here.

Due to contact restrictions during the Corona pandemic, an online group workshop for students will be held in March 2021 under the motto "My studies have Corona". Due to high demand, the workshop will be offered again soon. The counseling offer is also explicitly aimed at international students who are particularly affected by the restrictions on contact options.

Current group/workshop offers can be found here.

In case of acute crises and emergencies, the PBS has compiled a list of contact points.


Studierendenwerk Kassel
Campus Center of the University of Kassel
Moritzstraße 18, Level 3
34127 Kassel
#offenesohr telephone consultation hours: (+49) 0561 804-2800 (Mon., 1-4 p.m.; Thurs, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.)
Telephone or video-based counseling: make an appointment by e-mail to beratung[at]studierendenwerk.uni-kassel[dot]de or telephone (+49) 0561 804-2800
e-mail: beratung[at]studierendenwerk.uni-kassel[dot]de

If you have doubts about your studies, especially if you have social and financial problems, the General Social Counseling Service of the Studierendenwerk is a supportive place to go.

Further information can be found here.


Studierendenwerk Kassel
Campus Center of the University of Kassel
Moritzstraße 18, Level 3
34127 Kassel
Phone:(+49) 0561 804-2564
E-mail: sozialberatung[at]studierendenwerk.uni-kassel[dot]de

Student advisors at the Kunsthochschule Kassel support students with individual questions. The contact address for students of the teaching profession art is: studierendeberatenlehramtkunst[at] . It is requested to write "Studienberatung" in the subject line of the e-mail.

Further information can be found here.

If you have any doubts about your studies, the AStA refers you to the Carrer Service and the individual student councils. However, if you have any questions or would like to exchange information, you can also contact thedepartment for student councils and networking at The AStA can be reached via contact[at] and facebook .

The student teachers' council and their student contact persons are a central point of contact for student teachers with any concerns and questions about their studies. They can be reached via lehramtsfachschaft[at] and facebook .


Traditional Introduction on Campus and in the Lecture Hall Uni Kassel (TEACH) is a student working group of the student teaching association. It supports student teachers in the introductory phase of their studies to find their way around and to get in contact with fellow students.

You can find more information on Moodle, Facebook, Instagram and Youtube.

Other support services

In the area 'Bes­ser Stu­the­ren', the Ser­vice­cen­ter Leh­re bundles various offers for students, such as individual learning and writing advice, self-learning materials and workshops on various topics related to studying and learning. 

Further information can be found here.


University of Kassel
Ser­vice­cen­ter Leh­re
Arnold-Bode-Straße 10, Room 0209
34127 Kassel
Monday to Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-7145
Fax: (+49) 0561 804-7146
E-Mail: scl[at]

The "Lernpartner:innenbörse UniKassel" (LUKS) helps students of the University of Kassel to find learning partners, learning groups or language tandems. In the Moodle course, which has been set up for this purpose, students can post their own ads or respond to ads from others.


Further information can be found here.



Servicecenter Lehre
University of Kassel
Arnold-Bode-Str. 10
D-34127 Kassel
Tel: 0561/804-7631
Fax: 0561/804-7146
E-Mail: scl[at]uni-kassel[dot]de & leo[at]uni-kassel[dot]de

Music connects people. If you are interested in music and are looking for a balance to your daily study routine, the changing offer of the learning workshop of the Institute of Music may be interesting for you.  

You can find more information here.


University of Kassel
Institute of Music
Mönchebergstraße 1
34109 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-4406
E-mail: lernwerkstatt.musik[at]

Sports are healthy and can be a good way to balance out the stress of studying. In addition, joint sports activities are also a way to expand social contacts.

For more information, click here.


UNI­Kas­sel Hoch­schul­sport
University of Kassel
Damaschkestraße 25
34121 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 804-5394
Fax: (+49) 0561 804-5258
E-mail: hochschulsport[at]

Corona crisis line

The current situation is troubling many students for very different reasons. Therefore, the Institute of Psychology at the University of Kassel offers all students confidential conversations and psychological counseling. Anonymous and free of charge, Master's students of clinical psychology, guided and supervised by licensed psychotherapists, provide counseling.

Telephone: (+49) 0561 804-2882
Monday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday from 4 to 8 p.m.

Student counseling

In the event of difficulties with the core curriculum, this subprogram also provides student-to-student advising via email or telephone.

University external counseling centers

Below you will find various non-university counseling centers that professionally address the needs and questions of counsel seekers with study doubts.

The network for the professional integration of dropouts in Hessen is a contact point for all questions concerning the topic of doubts about studies and about possible professional perspectives after dropping out of studies.

Further information on the network and its services can be found here.
Information on contact persons at the Kassel site can be found here.

The university team at the Employment Agency provides information, advice and referrals for dropouts as needed, including at the University of Kassel branch office. The agency keeps an eye on the challenges and opportunities of the current labor market and is available to answer any questions students may have about career opportunities.

Further information can be found here.


Employment Agency
Campus Center of the University of Kassel
Moritzstr. 18, Room 3114
34109 Kassel
Phone: (+49) 0561 701-1005
E-mail: Kassel.hochschulberatung[at]

Self-tests for reflection and for study doubters

Online self-tests can encourage reflection and, if you have doubts about your chosen course of study, help you to ask yourself the right questions anonymously. Below you will find a selection of proven tools that can encourage self-reflection and help overcome challenges experienced.

In the current situation, studying can be particularly challenging. The Self-Reflection Tool (SRT) offers student teachers at the University of Kassel the opportunity to deal with their study situation in a targeted and anonymous manner. They can deal online with various dimensions relevant to their studies (e.g. "motivation" or "my challenges") and receive scientifically based feedback on the information provided. In addition, this offer from the project "Study Teacher, Reflect on Success" (LASER) and the core study shows a variety of counseling and support services at the University of Kassel. 

The online self-test and further information can be found here.

If you have doubts about your chosen degree program but are sure that you want to continue studying, the scientifically based Study Interest Test (SIT) can be helpful for further study orientation and selection. This self-test supports you in finding a study program according to your personal interests and inclinations and can serve as a starting point for further study counseling at the university. 

You can find more information here.

For students of a teaching degree, there are short and scientifically based questionnaires that can help in case of doubts about studies to visualize central dimensions of the teaching profession, to reflect on personal prerequisites and to receive suggestions in the area of competence development.

Questions about personal interests related to the teaching profession can be found here.
Questions if you are unsure about your choice of teaching subjects can be found here.
Questions for students with school-based experiences can be found here.

More information and self-exploration for teaching careers can be found here.

The advisory tool SeLF is aimed at, among others, students of a teaching degree and offers a self-exploration of the teaching profession by means of 16 concise film impulses on central tasks of the teaching profession.

More information on the tool can be found here and a brief guide to the films here.

The University of Münster has developed a self-test for procrastination that deals with procrastination behavior, depression and attention problems. It can be evaluated anonymously and provides individual feedback as to whether or not procrastination can be said to exist according to the information provided.

Further information on the self-test  

To the self-test for procrastination