Career prospects

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Master's graduates in electrical engineering have the very best opportunities on the job market. Engineers are in demand and there are plenty of vacancies, according to the Institute for German Business. In particular, the combination of electrical engineering with information technology opens up excellent career opportunities for graduates in the following professional fields:

  • Decentralized and regenerative electrical energy conversion and supply systems
  • electromobility
  • Electronics industry
  • Micro- and nanotechnology
  • Communication technology
  • Automation technology
  • Sensor and measurement technology
  • Academic teaching, research and development at universities and academies.

Almost 90 % of our graduates are in permanent employment. According to the graduate study for the Bachelor's and Master's in Electrical Engineering at the University of Kassel in the following fields:

  • Development engineer (31.4 %)
  • Research Employee (15.7 %)
  • Engineer (11.8 %)
  • Design engineer (5.9 %)
  • Software developer (5.9 %)
  • System and software developer (5.9 %)
  • Working student, electrical engineering (5.9%)
  • Product manager (3.9 %)
  • Project engineer (3.9%)
  • Test engineer (3.9 %)
  • Head of department (2.0 %)
  • IT system consultant (2.0%)
  • Tutor (2.0 %)

You are a sought-after specialist on the job market: with such good career prospects, are you interested in specializing further in electrical engineering during your Master's degree? Then take a look at the flexible parts of the course structure or find out about the documents required for enrolment.