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New funding for student sustainability projects
Realize your idea for a sustainable University of Kassel with the Green Office!Förderpreis der Bauwirtschaft für Masterarbeit zu Wärmegewinnung aus Abwasser
Der diesjährige Förderpreis der nordhessischen Bauwirtschaft geht an den Kasseler Studenten Lukas Höft. Er erhielt den…I Go: Green - having project ideas for sustainability promoted
Green steel: "A crucial time" for the industry
In conversation with Prof. Dr. Stefan LechtenböhmerGreen steel: "A crucial time" for the industry
New edited volume by Prof. Dr. Andreas Braun and Dr. Danny Tröger on Eco-Industrial Development: Contributions from a German-Chilean Research Partnership
Andreas Braun, Gabriel Espinosa Gutiérrez, Danny Tröger and Thomas Hirth present the collected results of a long-term…New textbook by Prof. Dr. Andreas Ernst on environmental psychology: Understanding human-environment systems
Andreas Ernst, Gerhard Reese and Laura Henn present the first German-language textbook that systematically combines…Bioeconomy report: Germany needs too much land abroad for agriculture
Germany needs 2.8 times as much agricultural land as is available in its own country to meet demand. This is shown in a…Stefan Lechtenböhmer is appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (EEA) for "industrial systems"
Stefan Lechtenböhmer will be appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency (EEA)…Heating with wastewater heat from sewage treatment plants
When switching to heat from renewable sources, heat from wastewater from sewage treatment plants could also be used in…