
Visiting professor Dr. Franzsika Hoffart

I have a vision of responsible science that actively accompanies change through so-called transformation and target knowledge in exchange with society and the economy.


"Sustainability Economics & Transformation" - what exactly are you researching?

As an economist, I conduct research into socio-ecological transformation, in particular the so-called Just Energy Transition. However, there is an ambition and implementation gap in shaping the transformation and achieving the climate and sustainability goals. I address this problem by investigating which factors accelerate or slow down the transformation towards a just and sustainable future, what future scenarios could look like and which measures are conducive to transformation. For me, this also includes the scientific-theoretical questions about the responsibility of science in overcoming current crises and what a transformative and responsible (economic) science can look like.

What distinguishes the Kassel Institute for Sustainability?

For me, the Kassel Institute stands for courage and curiosity to implement and live the necessary change towards more sustainability in science and at universities. The current socio-ecological crises require a rethink in all areas - including science. Here, the University of Kassel has created a new institutional place to research sustainability in a holistic, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way, while at the same time maintaining close links to the Faculties. The latter in particular is important. For me, it is not about replacing disciplinary research, but about exploiting the full potential of science and demonstrating that interdisciplinary research complements existing disciplinary approaches and can be excellent at the same time.

What personal goals or visions drive you in your scientific work?

What drives me above all is curiosity and the opportunity to actively help shape the necessary transformation instead of just looking on. Because despite the sometimes catastrophic effects of the ecological crises, I see change as an opportunity for a desirable future. I have a vision of responsible science that actively accompanies change through so-called transformation and target knowledge in exchange with society and the economy. My aim is therefore to strengthen economic transformation research and to establish a more inter- and transdisciplinary economics at the interface with transformation and sustainability research. For me, this includes establishing a bridge to the more discipline-oriented economics, which is already very strongly positioned in the field of sustainability in Kassel, and at the same time inspiring students for change.

