Career prospects

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With the Bachelor's degree in "Vocational Education" you can already teach in vocational educational institutions in the non-school sector or take on training activities in the company. The "Master of Education" is a prerequisite for pursuing the teaching profession at vocational schools - attendance at the preparatory service concludes with the second state examination. Incidentally, teachers at vocational schools are on an equal footing with teachers at grammar schools.

As part of the dual education program, you will cooperate closely with companies in the business community. As part of the teaching team, you plan the educational programs didactically. For both activities, and of course for successful teaching, good communication skills are crucial.

One of the central tasks of vocational educators is to provide individual guidance and support to groups of students who are heterogeneous in terms of age, educational qualifications, previous vocational experience, performance capabilities, etc.

In the current situation, studying can be particularly challenging. The Self-Reflection Tool (SRT) offers student teachers at the University of Kassel the opportunity to deal with their study situation in a targeted and anonymous manner. They can deal online with various dimensions relevant to their studies (e.g. "motivation" or "my challenges") and receive scientifically based feedback on the information provided. In addition, this offer from the project "Study Teacher, Reflect on Success" (LASER) and the core study shows a variety of counseling and support services at the University of Kassel. 

The online self-test and further information can be found here.

If you have doubts about your chosen degree program but are sure that you want to continue studying, the scientifically based Study Interest Test (SIT) can be helpful for further study orientation and selection. This self-test supports you in finding a study program according to your personal interests and inclinations and can serve as a starting point for further study counseling at the university. 

You can find more information here.

For students of a teaching degree, there are short and scientifically based questionnaires that can help in case of doubts about studies to visualize central dimensions of the teaching profession, to reflect on personal prerequisites and to receive suggestions in the area of competence development.

Questions about personal interests related to the teaching profession can be found here.
Questions if you are unsure about your choice of teaching subjects can be found here.
Questions for students with school-based experiences can be found here.

More information and self-exploration for teaching careers can be found here.

The advisory tool SeLF is aimed at, among others, students of a teaching degree and offers a self-exploration of the teaching profession by means of 16 concise film impulses on central tasks of the teaching profession.

More information on the tool can be found here and a brief guide to the films here.

The University of Münster has developed a self-test for procrastination that deals with procrastination behavior, depression and attention problems. It can be evaluated anonymously and provides individual feedback as to whether or not procrastination can be said to exist according to the information provided.

Further information on the self-test  

To the self-test for procrastination