
The doctoral procedure is divided into the following stages:

  1. 1.Request for acceptance

    • Supervisor and applicant agree on a topic and finalize the supervison agenda Word | PDF.
    • The applicant appliesfor acceptance as doctoral candidate.
    • The doctoral office checks the formal requirements, requests missing documents if necessary and forwards the application with a recommendation for acceptance or rejection to the responsible doctoral committee.
    • The doctoral committee, in consultation with the dean's office, decides on the suitability of the content, imposes conditions if necessary, decides on the suitability test if necessary, and decides on acceptance or rejection.
    • The doctoral office informs the doctoral candidate about the result and the acceptance deadline.
  2. 2.Acceptance as doctoral candidate

    The doctoral student

    • researches and writes the thesis
    • networks in the scientific community,
    • participates in further qualification and
    • career planning and
    • publishes first articles, if applicable.
  3. 3.Extension request

    If necessary, the doctoral candidate applies for an extension of the acceptance period after consultation with the supervisor. The application must be submitted to the doctoral office no more than three months before the end of the acceptance period.

  4. 4.Initiation of the main proceedings

    • The doctoral candidate applies for the opening of the main proceedings and submits the obligatory copies to the doctoral office.
    • The supervisor forwards the proposal for the appointment of the reviewers and, if applicable, the other members of the doctoral committee via the Dean's Office to the responsible doctoral committee.
    • The doctoral committee decides on the reviewers and members of the doctoral committee.
    • The Disputation Calculator can be used as time planning aid.
  5. 5.Expert opinion

    • The doctoral office forwards a copy of the dissertation to the reviewers for review and informs the doctoral candidates about their appointment.
    • The reviewers prepare their reviews independently of each other within ten weeks and submit them to the doctoral office.
    • The reviewers recommend the acceptance or rejection of the dissertation.
  6. 6.Interpretation

    • If both reviewers recommend the acceptance of the dissertation, the dissertation will be displayed together with the reviews in the Dean's Office of the responsible Faculty for a period of 14 days.
    • During this period, the dissertation and the expert reports can be inspected.
    • If necessary, further expert opinions can be submitted during the display period.
  7. 7.Acceptance of the dissertation

    • The dean's office informs the doctoral office about the end of the period of display and whether further expert opinions have been submitted.
    • The doctoral office informs the responsible doctoral committee and asks for a final decision on acceptance or rejection of the dissertation.
    • The doctoral candidate will be informed about the result by the doctoral office and will receive a copy of each expert opinion.
  8. 8.Disputation

    • Following acceptance by the doctoral committee, the disputation can be scheduled.
    • The Dean's Office is responsible for this.
    • The supervisor and the doctoral candidate can submit proposals to the Dean's Office.
    • The Dean's Office invites the public.
    • The chairperson prepares the minutes of the disputation and forwards them via the dean's office to the doctoral office.
    • Following the disputation, the Dean's Office issues a doctoral certificate for the doctoral candidate.
  9. 9.Print release

    • The supervisor decides on the approval for printing.
    • The responsible dean's office issues the print release and forwards it together with the German and English summary of the dissertation to the doctoral office.
  10. 10.Promotion publication

  11. 11.Certificate

    The doctoral office issues the doctoral certificate in German and English and hands it over or sends it to the doctoral candidate.