Department of Public Relations & Digital

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The Department of Public Relations & Digitales is responsible for the public image of the AStA as well as for the internal digital infrastructure.

We design the website of the AStA as well as the social media. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Office hours public relations:
Office hours: on request

Office hours for digital matters:
Corbinian Bergunde (Ref.)
Office hours: Fridays from 10:00-16:00 on request

Please register in advance by e-mail.

Contact public relations

Student House
Open-plan office (1st floor)

E-mail: oeffentlichkeitsarbeit[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de

Contact Digital

Student House
Open-plan office (1st floor)

E-mail: digitales[at]asta.uni-kassel[dot]de